Is your "Island in the Sky" real or is it just "Pie in the Sky"??

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

$950 million..or is it $950,000 million.......Really?

That's a lot of money any way you slice it.

Here's an email which came overnight. Sadly, some may actually believe it's real! Now, Google was kind enough to sort it to my spam folder automatically. So, in reality, most people would never see it. (Just for reference, this was "copy n paste", typos belong to RJ Wadas) However, I see a game to play. So I will play a little and keep you posted!.....


1:09 AM (9 hours ago)
Attention Dear,

We the Money Gram bored office has hereby write to inform you that after the meeting with the federal government and the federal ministry of finance today, we found out that you have been nominated to receive an compensations from the federal government which is the sum of $950,000.00 Million USD your were awarded by the federal government since 13th, August 2017. But the ex Director of federal ministry of finance decided out of his greediness to claim the funds and we found your payment file under his table he was fired immediately and they appointed a new director.

Therefore you are advice to provide your receiver’s information to enable us start transferring the funds to you as directed by the appointed new federal ministry of finance director you will be a receiving it as daily payment through this Africa Bank of Benin republic, and the amount you will be receiving is $6800 three times daily until the total payment has been send to you. Meanwhile you are advice to contact the Money Gram agent Mr.james wadas with your information’s as directed below.

NAME: Mr.james wadas.
Email: (
Tell-phone Number Text/call (512) 598-1550)

Your First Name: ___________
Your Last Name: __________
Your Country: ___________
Your phone number’s: __________
Date of birth: _________
Sex: ______
Occupation: __________
Copy of your ID or driver license: ___________

And note that you will be asked for this code number’s (33bx87) remember to include it when sending him your information’s to enable him find your payment file without any further delay, Note: you are not require to send any money once you paid the Money Gram Money transfer charge fee of your payment file, instruction from federal ministry of finance that once the Money Gram transfer charge fee have been confirmed you will start receiving your first payment within 1 hrs without any dealing.

Warning you shouldn't share this message with anyone to avoid impostor someone trying to claim your fund or anything like that. So be warned this message is for you alone and should remain secrete until you receive your whole funds, and please if you are not the owner of this email address please do not reply back to this email.


Bowen Larry.

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