Is your "Island in the Sky" real or is it just "Pie in the Sky"??

Monday, August 21, 2017

Are "Dating" websites all scams?

When I asked this question in a Google search, I received 2,590,000 hits in less that one second! This does not mean that every dating site is a scam. It does hint that users need to exercise prudence and caution in using them. (Perhaps the term DUE DILIGENCE applies here, as well!)

As an example, at the time the federal government took JDI Dating to task for ripping off their customers, their company operated at least 18 different domains, including Cupid's Wand and Naughty Over 40. I found the following YouTube video helpful in understanding these issues.

Even the sites with integrity are for profit businesses., for example, operates many brands, as shown in the following clip from their parent website - .....

Many of the "dating" sites are more interested in revenue than morality. They serve more as "Hook-up" sites than dating sites as shown by this banner on the log-in page for the popular "Plenty of Fish" site.
Add caption
They freely promote other "services", some blatantly pornographic, (replacing the pimps, I suppose)
some a little more subtle, and hosted by your friends at AARP! I already didn't like AARP, because they spend their members' resources to support socialist political programs, and now, porn sites, too? The above banner is located at on POF's website along with hot links to dozens of sites from Christian dating to "Easy Hook-Ups", "Cheating Housewives" and much more.

Apparently the list above is not a total listing. Match and others operate lesser promoted brands to cater to special groups, including same gender. Most allow free access to view possible matches, but zero mobility to even view their profiles without a paid subscription. Most subject you to tons of advertising, some of that directly links to pornographic sites. Often you will discover that by registering for free access to one site, you have been secretly enrolled in several other sites. Getting out of that spider's web is often very tricky. Many of the dating sites stuff their list with phony listings..."online cupids",  or "VC" (meaning virtual cupid) whose profiles may not actually exist in the real world. But, they entice users to pay the "upgrade" to be able to learn more and contact these phonies. These situations are disclosed, buried in the "fine print" of the "Terms of Service" as being for "entertainment purposes".

They all have numerous streams of income from your personal subscription, even the seemingly "FREE" sites. You should look into how they are using and selling all the very personal information you freely volunteer to them, often including extremely private and personal photos.
Wouldn't it be awesome if the "people matching" sites were more interested the user than their wallet?

   "There's a universal desire to discover love and it can be hard to find, but that's where we step in — we narrow down the world of possibilities to a personal A-list of meaningful introductions that get singles closer to finding the one."   (eHarmony's "about" page)

Unfortunately, even those sites with strong credibility and great intentions become hunting grounds for the internet scammers, preying on both men and women.
One interesting article comes from the FBI, and can be read at . A similar warning from Australia's scamwatchers is found at

I encourage you to ask the same question, "Are 'Dating' websites all scams?" and do your OWN DUE DILIGENCE!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

$950 million..or is it $950,000 million.......Really? update

If you recall, I recently engaged in a game with a West African scammer by replying his very generous offer. I have pasted my most recent reply below, followed by prior emails received and sent. The original offer is posted in a previous article.(Please forgive my abuse of English structure, I am attempting to speak "Scammer"!)

To Dear Mr. James Wadas:

This message is in  regards to your file code # 33bx87. Due to unforeseen circumstances which I did not see coming my way, I am in need of consideration from you in the matter of the $100.00 fee for the necessary IMF Clearance Certificate which is needed to process my funds. If you could advance this fee from the first payment of $6,800.00 USD, I would even welcome allowing you to deduct $400.00 USD to cover the fee plus an incentive to cover your inconvenience from the initial payment due me in this matter, leaving a balance due of $6,400.00USD. 

I thank you so kindly in advance for your gracious consideration.

Mr. RA Lutes  


To Dear Mr. JR Wadas and Mr Bowen Larry:

Today I am in receipt of your very exciting email regards code # 33bx87. I have just a couple of questions which I am requesting you to address for me herewith. Will the amount mentioned be $950 million or $950,000 million? How will that be paid? Is it to be delivered in cash?

As per your requested requirements, below is listed my requested information:

*My name is RA Lutes. 
*I am in the USA. 
*When I have received this funds, I will be able to purchase a phone of my own and will certainly provide it for your files. For now, messages may be left for me at
*My date of birth was 6 June 1946.
*You ask about it not a bit personal that I have sex?
*I am most often occupied at being retired.
*I fear that I cannot provide a copy of my driver license, as it has been taken away by the government.
Your guidance is hereby requested to complete this situation satisfactorily to meet your need!

My most grateful thanks!

RA Lutes



7:04 AM 

Compliment of the Season to you!  This is to inform you that we are now ready for your payment.  Our department has been assigned for an onward international remittance bit by bit to your nominal destination. Your payment has been set on a limit.  In The sum of USD $6800.00 which has been activated for transfer to your name via- Our Money Gram Data payment system.  The transfer will be coming to you every 24 hours as soon as you send the sum of $100.00 USD to enable us get your IMF Clearance Certificate for processing of your transaction.

Having fulfilled our obligations or the rules governing the transfer of any huge amount of money leaving the shares of United States of America, we hereby issue you this IMF Clearance Certificate.

This Activation IMF Clearance Certificate is needed to this transfer to enable our Money Gram Office to transfer the Scam Victim compensation fund sum of $$950,000.00 Million United States belonging to you as stated above. This certificate needs to be issued by the law/International Monetary Fund’s Unit Monitoring Institution USA to guide and protect this fund transfer successfully.

This certificate need to be duty free and notarized, this stands as coverage to maintain transfer free both locally and international. The beneficiary will receive his fund sum of $950,000.00 Million United States through Money Gram Office as soon as he pays the required fee of $100.00USD.

Given and granted unto the IMF Clearance Certificate to the knowledge of the Supreme High Court, full power and authority to invest out the above funds in your States duly. Here by granting the power to transfer your fund by ratifying and confirming that the said fund is not settlement of any terrorist activities.

INFORMATION:  For the payment of the IMF Clearance Certificate fee of $100.00USD, The Below is the Receiver information For IMF Clearance Certificate fee.

Receivers Name=====Mun Uba
Country============Benin Republic


Amount : ===============$100.00USD.

Reference Number: =======

Sender Name: ============

You should please wait at Money Gram Store 15 Minutes after paying the fee to enable you pick up your transfer immediately before going out from Money Gram Store, All you have to do is get back to us as soon as you send the fee with the payment details to enable us release your transfer to you to pick up before going out from Money Gram Store.

Be informed accordingly as I look forward for your urgent reply.

Mr. James wadas

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

$950 million..or is it $950,000 million.......Really?

That's a lot of money any way you slice it.

Here's an email which came overnight. Sadly, some may actually believe it's real! Now, Google was kind enough to sort it to my spam folder automatically. So, in reality, most people would never see it. (Just for reference, this was "copy n paste", typos belong to RJ Wadas) However, I see a game to play. So I will play a little and keep you posted!.....


1:09 AM (9 hours ago)
Attention Dear,

We the Money Gram bored office has hereby write to inform you that after the meeting with the federal government and the federal ministry of finance today, we found out that you have been nominated to receive an compensations from the federal government which is the sum of $950,000.00 Million USD your were awarded by the federal government since 13th, August 2017. But the ex Director of federal ministry of finance decided out of his greediness to claim the funds and we found your payment file under his table he was fired immediately and they appointed a new director.

Therefore you are advice to provide your receiver’s information to enable us start transferring the funds to you as directed by the appointed new federal ministry of finance director you will be a receiving it as daily payment through this Africa Bank of Benin republic, and the amount you will be receiving is $6800 three times daily until the total payment has been send to you. Meanwhile you are advice to contact the Money Gram agent Mr.james wadas with your information’s as directed below.

NAME: Mr.james wadas.
Email: (
Tell-phone Number Text/call (512) 598-1550)

Your First Name: ___________
Your Last Name: __________
Your Country: ___________
Your phone number’s: __________
Date of birth: _________
Sex: ______
Occupation: __________
Copy of your ID or driver license: ___________

And note that you will be asked for this code number’s (33bx87) remember to include it when sending him your information’s to enable him find your payment file without any further delay, Note: you are not require to send any money once you paid the Money Gram Money transfer charge fee of your payment file, instruction from federal ministry of finance that once the Money Gram transfer charge fee have been confirmed you will start receiving your first payment within 1 hrs without any dealing.

Warning you shouldn't share this message with anyone to avoid impostor someone trying to claim your fund or anything like that. So be warned this message is for you alone and should remain secrete until you receive your whole funds, and please if you are not the owner of this email address please do not reply back to this email.


Bowen Larry.

The "Federal Government Agency"...really?

I received an interesting Facebook Messenger this morning, stated to from an actual friend of more than 20 years. However, the only contact ...