Is your "Island in the Sky" real or is it just "Pie in the Sky"??

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

What's in it for me?

My first go-around in college was Law Enforcement. I worked for a few years as a patrolman before figuring our that my personal interests lay elsewhere. So, I suppose there is still some of that training and suspicion still with me 40 years later! Over the course of my adult life, I have observed numerous scams, even been taken in by a few. I've also worked (unknowingly) for a couple!
Fraudsters come in all shapes and sizes. I do not desire to discourage a positive world-view of the goodness to be found in mankind. Just exercise reason and logic! DUE DILIGENCE is a term you will see repeated often herein. Too often, we allow affiliation in civic groups, hobby clubs, church, and other associations to cloud that due diligence!  If an otherwise cloudy opportunity is made acceptable only by virtue of your common membership in the Lions Club, or your bowling league... watch out! 

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